Thursday 28 April 2011

Santa looooves them !!!

This very traditional dish in Venezuela which is eaten during Christmas time. This is a rich in flavour dish that is one of the favourites in every Venezuelan table.
If it is true that it is a very yummy and traditional dish, it is also true that it is pretty complicated to make it, it can take a whole day or more to make those delicious Hallacas.
Hallacas are made of:
·        pork
·        beef
·        chicken
·        Beacon
·        Onions
·        Green onions
·        garlic
·        capers
·        red peppers
·        tomatoes
·        raisins
·        sweet peppers
·        wine vinegar
·        red wine
·        sugar cane
·        salt
·        pepper
·        onoto
All these is cooked for a few hours in a pot and then when its ready it needs to rest until it is at room temperature
part of the filling
·        red pepper
·        beacon
·        pork
·        chicken
·        onions
·        capers
·        green olives
·        raisins
·        vinegar mixed with mustard and some vegies
These ingredients are part of the filling and only the pork and the chicken are cooked, the rest of the ingredients are used raw

·        ground corn dough
·        pork grease
·        onoto oil
·        Salt

After everything is ready the dough is flattered and filled with the stew and the extra fillings mentioned above. Then its wrapped with a banana leaf and then its tide up pretty tight with a string forming scares while tiding it up.
This dish is usually eaten during December, especially on Christmas day when the family comes together and have a nice dinner.

I just love them !!


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