Monday 18 April 2011

I like it Rumbera !!

Venezuela is a country where everyone loves bread but guess what?  The principal bread in any Venezuelan table is called AREPA.
This traditional bread , which is made of ground corn dough or cooked corn flour, is serve at anytime of the day, it can be eaten for a breakfast, lunch or dinner and why not sometimes they are a good snack for our tummies . Arepas (plural of Arepa) could be flat, thick, fried, backed, the colour will depend of what they are made of and the size will also depend of how big or small you like them.
A lot of people ask how do you eat them ? only butter? Ham & Cheese?... Well the answer here is very easy, we eat Arepas with anything and everything.
These are some of the most popular arepas:
  • Arepa pelúa - with yellow cheese and shredded beef
  • Arepa con queso guayanés - with soft Guayanés cheese, like  mozzarella
  • Arepa con queso de mano - with firm white cheese from los llanos Venezolanos
  • Arepa catira - with yellow cheese and shredded chicken
  • Arepa de dominó - queso llanero and black beans
  • Arepa de Perico - made with perico, a scrambled eggs mixed with diced tomatoes and onions
  • Arepa rumbera("party" arepa)- with pork meat and yellow cheese (tasty cheese or swiss cheese)
  • Arepa llanera - with cuts of beef (barbecued beef), tomato , avocado and fresh white cheese
  • Arepa con cazón - with baby shark shark
Arepas not only need to be filled , they can be made of different things as well. For example these are the 2 most yummy and popular arepas :
·       Arepa dulce (sweet arepa): this arepa is made of ground corn dough or cooked corn flour  mixed with papelon (sugar cane) and anis which give it a great flavor , this arepa is a really thin one which is deep fried in oil.

·       Arepa de chicharron ( crispy pork arepa): this one is made of ground corn dough or cooked corn flour mixed with crispy pork meat and it is then deep fried.
The best way of eating those is with a liltte bit of butter and whit cheese ...Mmmmm !!!
Arepas are yummy with everything even alone with soup and or just with butter they are just perfect.
This is one of my favorites dish back at home and I would never change it because as you can see it is just Yummmmyyy !!!


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