Friday 15 April 2011

Food from the Pearl of the Orient Seas - Philippines.

Hi guys,

Since I spent my childhood in the Philippines, I am quite familiar with the different types of Filipino food and so I will be posting about this topic.

Throughout my posts, I will be posting about my favourite types of Filipino food in the categories of: Philippine Snacks, Philippine Breakfast Food, Philippine Lunch Cuisines, Philippine Dinner Cuisines and Philippine Desserts.

Today I will be posting about my favourite Philippine snacks:

When I was a child living in the Philippines, I remember that I had 3 specific favourite Philippine snacks that I like to eat for Mir-Yen-Da (that's the Filipino equivalent of "Coffee Break" or "Tea Time".)

1) Ensaymada (pronounced En - Sai - Ma - Da):

Ensaymada is a type of sweet pastry bread which is about the size of a muffin. It is topped with melted butter, sugar and sometimes small slices of cheese. It is very sweet and has a soft texture. These can be bought in all bakery shops in the Philippines. Here in Australia, they can be bought in Filipino shops.

2) Hopiang Mungo (pronounced Ho - Pyang - Mung - Goh):

Hopiang Mungo is a type of sweet pastry cake. The crust is made of baked dough and the filling inside is of sweet mung bean paste. It is also sweet, but not as sweet as the Ensaimada. These can also be bought in all bakery shops in the Philippines. Here in Australia, they can also be bought from Filipino shops.

3) Suman (pronounced Su - Mhan):

Suman is a type of sticky rice cake. It is made from glutinous rice that is cooked in coconut milk which gives the rice its sticky texture. It is then wrapped in banana leaves and then steamed to mix all the natural flavours. Sometimes brown sugar is also applied to enhance the sweet flavour. In the Philippines, these can be bought from Suman vendors who specialise in making them.

I will be posting about the different Philippine food categories next time.

Kerwin Abinoja (41758765)

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